Friday, June 21, 2013

Chicken Quesadilla with (Sun dried Tomato Chicken / Applewood Smoked Flavor Chicken)

  My Husband recently had a couple teeth pulled and has been on a soft diet. I had to come up with a meal that he could eat that wouldn't irritate his sutures in his gums. So I thought about making a chicken quesadilla with canned chicken meat instead of using the whole chicken breast which tends to be a little more tougher when fried on the stove top.
   So I went through the pantry to see what I had for canned chicken and I found a Great Value -
Walmart Brand Sun Dried Tomato and an Applewood Smoked flavor chicken. The kids and I ate the ones with the green and red peppers but I had to take them out for my husband because they were a little crisp yet for him.

Chicken Quesadilla

1- Green Bell Pepper
1- Red Bell Pepper
1 Stalk Green Onion
1- 10 oz. Can White Chicken Chunk (Applewood smoke flavor)
1- 10 oz.Can White Chicken Chunk (Sun dried Tomato and Herb Sauce)
1/2 Package Fajita seasoning mix
Flour Tortillas
Mexican Shredded Cheese

Get your Vegetables ready, cut your green and red peppers into chunks and chop your green onion up. Heat frying pan on medium heat add a couple of table spoons of olive oil to bottom of pan.
Add your vegetables to pan and add your 2 cans of Chicken. Add 1/2 package of fajita mix and stir.
Cook until heated. Take another nonstick frying pan and warm it to medium/high temp.
Take your tortillas and warm them up on each side. Then leaving the tortilla in frying pan add chicken mixture to one half of tortilla. Place the Mexican cheese over the chicken mixture and flip it in half and turn it over in frying pan, with a spatula press firmly down on each side to melt cheese and brown each side and serve.

Here was the mixture that I added to tortillas.

The Chicken Quesadillas turned into an amazing flavorful meal with the two chicken flavors and the fajita seasoning mix. 
Enjoy! ~ Kelli

1 comment:

  1. Glad I stumbled upon this recipr as I picked up a few of these cans myself but wasnt quite sure what to do with it. Ilk be makubg these quesadillas in the near future and will definitely post a review. Do you have anymore recipes for the canned chunk chicken any flavor? Such a quick and easy meal to whip up on thodr nights where your just drained.
